2016年11月23日 星期三

興大校園App - 校園快訊


  • 以Google Calendar API技術,讓活動資訊可以被加入使用者的Google行事曆。
  • 納入校園內對外開放活動資訊,加強對外宣傳推廣在本校舉辦的活動。
  • 另外,待校內行事曆及各活動資訊平台整合完成之後,就能在此進一步呈現本校所有的活動資訊了。 

About the Author

Envisioning U-Commerce Lab

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.

3 意見:

  1. The app will also integrate more practical functions such as integrating Google Calendar API, allowing event information to be automatically Sprunki Pyramixed added to the user's Google calendar, displaying open school activities to further enhance the connection between the campus and the outside world.


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